Did your files on your storage device (like flashdrive or external HDD) just disappeared but computer shows that it has contents in it?

 If this happened, your storage is probably infected by the so called “shortcut virus”. Your files are not deleted, the truth is, it was just hidden by the virus. So, I will give you a simple instructions to in order to unhide and your files and remove the virus.

Let’s start:

1. Open “My Computer”, and look for the drive letter of your storage device.

Sample Drive Letter
In this example, the drive letter of the storage device named UUI is “J:”

2. Open command prompt (CMD) by pressing windows + R, then type cmd. A cmd console will appear, then type the drive letter with a colon and press ENTER.

Opening CMD.PNG

We just use the drive letter “J:” as our sample

3. Now, type attrib -s -h -r -a * /s /d

Unhiding sample.PNG

-s -> System
-h -> Hidden
-r -> Read Only
-a – > Archive

4. There are 2 new folder that will appear, a folder without a name and a folder na “System Volume Information”. Browse the folder without a name and delete fthe file named “autorun.inf” and other files that are suspicious, usually names that has no sense, like “asdasdasdjksald”.

Now, you’re done.